Fayette County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) Web Site Privacy Statement
The privacy, confidence, and trust of individuals who visit the Fayette County Sheriff's Office web site are important to us. No personal information is collected at this site unless it is provided voluntarily by an individual while participating in an activity that asks for the information. The following paragraphs disclose the information gathering and usage practices for the web site.
Collection of Information
FCSO only collects the personal information that is necessary to provide the information or services requested by an individual. "Personal information" refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual who is the subject of the information. This is the same information that an individual might provide when visiting a government office and includes such items as an individual's name, address, or phone number. We also collect statistical information that helps us understand how people are using the web site so we can continually improve our services. The information collected is not associated with any specific individual and no attempt is made to profile individuals who browse the web site. You may be asked to participate in surveys at this site. Participation is optional, and the choice to participate or not to participate will have no effect on your ability to use other features of the site.
Use of Information
FCSO uses the collected information to respond appropriately to requests. This may be to respond directly to you or to improve the web site. E-mail or other information requests sent to the FCSO web site may be maintained or forwarded to other appropriate agencies in order to respond to the request. Survey information is used for the purpose designated in the survey.
Retention of Information
Records needed to support FCSO functions are retained, managed, and accessible in record-keeping or filing systems in accordance with established records disposition authorizations approved by the State of Tennessee Public Records Commission. Records transmitted to this site will be identified, managed, protected, and retained as long as they are needed to meet historical, administrative, fiscal, or legal requirements.
Public Disclosure
Regardless of whether information is provided to FCSO by personal visit, mail, or web site, it becomes public record
and is open to public inspection unless protected by State or Federal law. Public records are subject to the rules and requirements located in Tennessee Code Annotated Title 10 Chapter 7. A public record is defined as follows:
“Public record(s)” or “state record(s)” means all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, icrofilms, electronic data processing files and output, films, sound recordings or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any governmental agency. (T.C.A. 10-7-301 (6))”
Based on the definition of public records, be aware that any information collected at this site could be made available to
the public. Requests for public records will be examined for compliance with public record laws.
Any web page or application at this site that uses cookies will identify itself as such. Cookies are short and simple text files that are stored on a user's computer hard drive by web sites. They are used to keep track of and store information so the user does not have to supply the information multiple times. The information that is collected through cookies at this site is handled in the same manner as other information collected here. You can configure your web browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when a web site attempts to send you a cookie. You can also check your hard drive for cookie files and delete them from your computer.
Web Site Security
The Fayette County Sheriff's Office is committed to the security of the information that is either available from or collected by this web site. FCSO has taken multiple steps to safeguard the integrity of its telecommunications and computing infrastructure, including but not limited to, authentication, monitoring, auditing, and encryption.
Links to Other Sites
This web site has links to many other web sites. These include links to web sites operated by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses. The Fayette County Sheriff's Office is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites and suggests you review their privacy statements.
Contact Information
FCSO welcomes comments regarding this privacy statement. Please convey any questions or concerns to: [email protected].